Today is Kaileigh's two-month "birthday"! It seems like just yesterday when we were driving to the hospital wondering how much our lives were about to change! She has grown so much in these past couple months, I really can't believe my eyes! Her personality really shines! We get smiles all the time now; everything seems to amuse her. So much so, that I find myself acting like a complete fool, in public no less, just to see her smile! But who cares?!? She is just about to out-grow her "newborn" sized outfits and move into a new 0-3month wardrobe!! There are many adorable outfits awaiting her size change - so new pictures, naturally! Kaileigh has even become a scheduled sleeper!! It is just amazing that she will sleep about 8-9 hours a night (4-5 hours the first shift, then 2-3 for the remainder!) I have to tell you, after 4-5 hours of sleep - Mommy feels GREAT! Her stuffy nose seemed to clear up, but we are still working on the excema.
The other night, Kaileigh decided to make a BIG poopy that crawled all the way up her back! Nik and I didn't really know the propper way to clean it up - so we went to the sink and sprayed her off! It was quite funny and she was very amused with herself! She even liked the hosing! As Aimee said, that is a moment that we need another set of hands here to videotape. Nevertheless, without footage, you will have to take our word for it; it was really funny!
We are thoroughly looking forward to our upcomming visit from Aimee and Brenna - April 17-20. In fact, we are all on the countdown! I am definitley in need of some girlfriend time! Although, I have a feeling that I will come in second place to their new "niece."
Chera's wedding is coming up soon, August 8th, and all of her details are really coming together. As Auntie Debbie put it, Chera is the "ultimate party planner," and her wedding is going to be beautiful! I CAN'T WAIT! Once we have a date set for the Bridal Shower, I will have our dates set for June visit. A plane ticket home is the PERFECT maid-of-honor gift and I am so happy to be home for the shower as well as to see the family! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Chera and Eric!
Here are some pictures of Kaileigh this past week! Such a big girl!
Here she is in her nice Irish dress! I love this one so much that I have decided she will wear it for the whole month of March! It is so sweet with the green and white polka-dotted panties! There's my little Irish lass!

No, I didn't dress her like this... we were playing dress up! I was trying to decided whether or not to return this outfit. Such a beauty-queen!

Someone is extremely cozy!

The tail-end of a really big smile!

Tummy-time! We still can't decide whether we love it or hate it!
Last weekend, Kaileigh had her first professional pictures taken. We will post them once all of the family members have recieved thier prints. They came out BEAUTIFUL! Stay tuned...