Hey there everyone! Sorry it has been such a long time since our last post; it has been quite busy around here! First, we would like to thank you all for such a wonderful visit. It was so nice to see all of our great family and friends - we just wish that we had a longer visit! Chera's bridal shower was just beautiful and so fun! And the bachelorette party was too! So excited for the wedding!! Hopefully next time we come up, we will be able to spend more time with everyone! Once we got back from our trip, it took about a whole week to get us all back on schedule. (Not to mention all the cleaning, unpacking, and laundry that just happened to show up!)
A couple days after we returned, Kaileigh started on cereal for the first time! It was quite interesting; the food seemed to be a fun new toy for her to play with. It went in, it came out. It was in her fingers, up her nose, and acted as a gel for her spikey new hairdo! Since then, she has perfected her technique; cereal, peas, sweet potatos, and bananas have no problem being digested (as long as she can suck her thumb between each spoonful!)
Another development is our NEW pool! Oh yes, we have a pool! Considering it has been 95-102 degrees the past two weeks, it is a very welcome gift. Thank you to Nik's Grandma and Bill!! It is a pretty perfect size for us - 12ft around and about 2.5 feet deep. Just enough to cool off - Kaileigh really loves it!
And as you all probably know, Kaileigh was sick about a week ago. She had a high fever for a few days. She was lethargic and just not her normal self. We brought her to the doctors - where she got tested for EVERYTHING. Come to find out, it was just a virus. We were all very worried, since it was the first time she was sick. But not to worry, she is just perfect now. Whatever it was has passed! Thankfully.
Kaileigh will be five months old in just a couple of days! We can't believe it. She has gotten so big: 14 lbs, 1 oz!! Time is just flying by - and August will be here before we know it! Once we book the tickets, we will let you know the dates of our next visit!
Here are some recent pictures that we are sure you will love!!
Kaileigh at our weekly weekend bbq with our friends, the Hatfields!
Love this picture! Beautiful eyes - just like her Daddy's!

Here is Kaileigh's new high chair! I think Mommy is more excited about it than Kaileigh!

"Really Mom, see, I can totally do it myself!"
