Wednesday, July 15, 2009
6 Months continued...
Today Kaileigh had her 6-month "Well baby" check-up. It went very well. She is 15 pounds and 26" long. 50th percentile in length - and 25th in weight! She is developing perfectly and is such a healthy little lady! Poor thing had to get 3 shots though. But she took it like a champ; just a little crying and pouting. Dr. Ringold agrees, along with the rest of the world, that I gave birth to Nik's twin and that she is absolutely beautiful!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Our Little Girl is Six Months Old!!!
Today our little lady is 6 months old! She is the most beautiful little girl we have ever seen! We take so much joy in just making her laugh and smile. Her personality is bubbling over these days. Mostly a very happy girl, we have also discovered, however, a very stubborn side to little Miss Kaileigh. If she is done with something, SHE IS DONE. It is hard to describe, but you will just have to trust us - she may look and act like and angel 99% of the time, but that other 1% is nothing less than entertaining. She also now has two teeth! And they are the CUTEST two teeth ever!! We aren't sure how much she is weighing in at yet - her doctors appointment is Wednesday - however we can tell she has really grown! Our little 5 lbs. 11 oz. angel is not so tiny anymore! It is a double-edged sword... on one side we want her to grow big, strong and healthy, and on the other side, we want her to stay our little baby girl! Can't believe she is already a half-year old!
We are so excited for our upcoming trip home! However, there is a special event coming up even before that... Chera is coming to visit! It is less than a month now until her wedding, and she is coming to spend one of her last weekends as a Hartman with us!! She flys in on the 18th and we will get to have her all to ourselves until the 21st. What will we do? you may ask... #1 on the list: HARRY POTTER!!! Chera is just as much of a Harry Potter freak as me and Nik. We are all so excited about it!! Kaileigh can't stop talking about her Auntie Chera's visit!! HAHA.
Here are some photos from the past week!
We are so excited for our upcoming trip home! However, there is a special event coming up even before that... Chera is coming to visit! It is less than a month now until her wedding, and she is coming to spend one of her last weekends as a Hartman with us!! She flys in on the 18th and we will get to have her all to ourselves until the 21st. What will we do? you may ask... #1 on the list: HARRY POTTER!!! Chera is just as much of a Harry Potter freak as me and Nik. We are all so excited about it!! Kaileigh can't stop talking about her Auntie Chera's visit!! HAHA.
Here are some photos from the past week!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Uncle Chris Comes to Visit!
Today we said "Goodbye" to Uncle Chris. He came to Alabama for a nice visit - before heading home to Massachusetts. It was so nice to see Chris (since it has been almost a year and a half since seeing him last) and for Kaileigh to meet her uncle for the first time! Kaileigh was quite taken with her uncle and loved spending time with him. We did some shopping, visited Nik's base, and went out to eat. Nik and Chris also went to see a couple movies- it was a real treat for both of them! Christopher got to meet our crazy kitties and see our home - and we got to hear all about Colorado, Saudi Arabia, and Dani! We love him very much and have missed him terribly. The next time we will see him will be around Christmas time at home (hopefully.) That way we can celebrate the holidays but also have Kaileigh's Christening - as Christopher and Becky will be her God Parents! Thanks for a great visit Chris!!
Here are a few photos of our visit!
Here are a few photos of our visit!
Kaileigh: "Who is this? He kinda looks like me!!"
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