We had such a wonderful visit home! We were very busy and saw so many friends and family. Kaileigh remembered people and places this time - which was really great to see. We started off our trip with a visit to Becky's field hockey game. She has gotten really good - and has one wicked drive! Go Rams! We also did a round of visiting to local family and friends. Kaileigh got to play with her cousin, Logan - and even gave a few hugs and kisses. So sweet! Seeing our family and watching Kaileigh interact was precious time that we are so grateful we were able to have.
Chera's baby shower was next! It was such a beautiful shower. Chera made all of the centerpieces herself - adorable! She got some of the cutest baby things - Eric's old baby outfits, diaper cake (made by Mom), a beautiful bassinette, and an 80's lulaby cd (from me!) And about a million other things... The baby is due Dec 21st, which means the next time we are up (January) we will get to meet lil mr. hunter! You wouldn't even believe Cher is pregnant, she is still so teeny and cute!

That same night, I went to Brenna and Jimbo's wedding. It was amazing! We took the ski lift to the top of Jiminy Peak for the ceremony. It had rained all week, but was clear and beautiful on that day! The view was breathtaking and the ceremony was so sweet! It was the funnest wedding I have ever been to; with a live band, photobooth, and all of my closest and dearest friends, it was perfect. We are so happy for them - love you guys!
Later in the week, Kaileigh and I took a road trip to Boston! It is one of my favorite places in the world and we spent it with some of my favorite people. The first night, we stayed with Chera and Eric. We had so much fun playing with Lexi (their dog) in the park, feeding Lexi lots and lots of treats, and going shopping. We took a trip to the American Girl store so Chera could buy Kaileigh her very first Bitty baby doll! Chera and I were so much more excited than Kaileigh was. We were such big fans when we were little and we immediatly turned back into 6 year olds when we walked in the doors! So much fun.
Our second night was spent at Aimee's apartment. Donna drove in and spent the night as well. It was so fun just chit-chatting with my girlfriends! I miss them so much! With a great dinner and a few glasses of wine - thats all you need to start the "Remember whens"... The next day, Kaileigh took her first trip on the Subway as we made our way to the Boston Aquarium. Chera and Eric met us over there and we had such a great time! Kaileigh and Chera LOVED the penguins! So much so that we HAD to get a little penguin souvenier. We also saw Myrtle the Turtle (8 feet long) and some crazy seals! After, we took a stroll through Faneul Hall and Quincy Market as well as rode the Carousel. Kaileigh was amazing - she was so enthralled with the city and she never made a fuss! Thank you so much Aimee, Donna, Chera, and Eric for letting us visit! We had so much fun!
The following day, I headed off to Foxboro for my friend, Kristy's wedding. This was such a beautiful and tradtional wedding. She wore a perfect princess gown and was married in a beautiful catholic church. She really was stunning! Her reception hall was the prettiest place I have ever seen! It was like a fantasy wedding come to life! Congrats Kristy and Tony - love you!
While I was at that wedding, Kaileigh was able to visit with Nik's family! I am still upset that I never got to see some of them on this trip - but am so happy they were able to visit with Kaileigh. I was told she had a great time with all of them, and entertained them fully! :)
While we were home, we were able to go with my mom and Becky to a corn maze! That was such great fun! Kaileigh had so much fun running - and falling - it was the perfect Fall thing to do!
While we were away, Nik stayed here in Mobile. His friend, Russ, came out and they got busy with some home improvements! Our privacy fence was put up, landscaping was done by way of weeding and laying lava rocks, an accent wall was painted in the living room, and a ceramic back-splash was put up in the kitchen! Everything looks so great! I am in love with the changes that were made! We missed Daddy dearly - and as much fun as I had - I am NEVER traveling without him again! lol... It was a whole lot of work.
Since we have gotten back, Kaileigh has named her baby, Abby, she has stuck to Nik like glue, and we got some pumpkins for Halloween. It is back to the grind for us. But we are so happy and grateful to everyone for such a wonderful trip! LOVE YOU!
I am having trouble uploading pictures, so the rest will come in a couple days...