Saturday, June 5, 2010

We're still here!!!

Ok, we're back...

Sorry we haven't posted anything since February... it is funny how fast life goes! We have been very busy down here. Kaileigh is growing up so fast and seems to be learning something new every day. Just to give you an idea of where she is... Kaileigh can now say "Please" and "Thank you" - and even says them at the right time... mostly! She can climb on to the couch, coffee table, toilet, beds, and everything else! Which means that on most days, she is covered with bruises! She says so many things now and is always wanting to learn more and more. She has a great sense of humor - she will laugh out loud all by herself sometimes. She also has her favorite books and toys. She enjoys going to the library with me and picking out new books for bedtime. We have also started swim classes at the Coast Guard base pool. Kaileigh is not too sure if she likes it or not. She will play with me and swim for a couple of minutes and then she doesn't want to do any more. Next week Nik is going to come with us, and since she always wants to be where daddy is... hopefully she will like the classes better.

We are all so excited for our trip home! We will not only get to visit friends and family that we miss so much. But we will also get to see Chris and meet his new wife Dani. They were recently married and are expecting a wonderful baby in October!! Since we haven't seen Chris in over a year, we are so happy to be able to coincide our visits home. Also, our good friends, Tina and Aaron are getting married while we are at home and we cannot wait for that reunion as well!! Life has pulled us all in different directions - us in Alabama, Tina and Aaron in Tennessee, and Chris and Dani in Colorado... we are so lucky to be able to still connect and share these wonderful experiences with one another!

Kaileigh has a bit of a cold that started yesterday. We can't tell if it is allergies or a cold... but either way we all had a bit of a long night last night. I am sorry that I have slacked on the blog! We love you all and are so very excited to see you in just a few weeks!!

Enjoy the following pictures of the last month. These include Kaileigh's first time to the beach... a week before the oil hit, Nik's friend's promotion, and a couple bath time pictures! <3

1 comment:

  1. OMG my jaw dropped when I visited your page and it had been updated --- it made my day!!! I am glad you are back to blogging and can't believe how much Kai has evolved into a "big girl." :) I can't wait to see you three in a couple of weeks!! Love ya!
