Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nine Months!!

Hey there everyone!! Can you believe that Kaileigh is nine months old already?? She is really turning into such a little person! Yesterday she finally mastered clapping - and is now very amused by it! She also is crawling and standing up like a pro! She enjoys playing with the pots and pans, taking dvds off the shelf, and snuggling with Bella! At her nine-month "well-baby" appointment she weighed in at 16 pounds and 27 inches... still in the 25th percentile. She did have an ear infection a few weeks ago - and has recovered nicely from that! All in all, she is a very happy and healthy baby!

We wanted to thank everyone for dontating to our March of Dimes walk. However, the whole event turned out to be a disaster. Apparently, betweent the time I scheduled it in February and the actual walk, the date was changed from October 17 to September 26!! Needless to say, I was not very happy. I have to call the administrators and ask them if we can apply those donations to a future walk?, or what? I will keep you updated.

Recently, we joined our friends the Hatfields and Solanos at a corn maze/ fall festival. Kaileigh really enjoyed meeting the donkey, miniature horse (my kinda horse), goats, and billy goats. And believe it or not, it was a pretty cold day!! Halloween is right around the corner - we will have some good pictures for you then!

We will be coming home December 5-13th for an early Christmas celebration and Kaileigh's Christening. We can't wait to show you how much she has grown!

Enjoy the following slideshow!!

1 comment:

  1. I think Kaileigh has invented a new way to cuddle!You have SUCH a good cat:) Can't wait to see y'all in December. xoxo Auntie Debbie
